Saturday, September 8, 2012

Not so funny...

My friends and relatives are on my case because my blogging has gone the way of the dinosaur. It's not that I don't have time. I could blog any night I come home from work with nothing else to do except make a sandwich and watch Big Bang Theory. It's just that this started out to be a funny (well, intended to be funny) blog. Now that I've been living here for a year, things that used to seem funny are just now real life!

So, bowing to peer pressure, I'll attempt to keep up the blog, but my ability to keep it funny is questionable. It also means I'll have to branch out from only writing about Switzerland to also writing about my travels. There is only so much you can say about beautiful views. One weekend, my friends and I piled in the car and headed to Italy to spend two days enjoying smiling people and good (and affordable) food, both of which aren't exactly plentiful in Switzerland.

Tomorrow will probably be our last big hike of the season as I have to start several weeks of business travel soon. I'll get back to you with some funny accounts if possible. If nothing funny, I may have to wax poetic instead. Get ready!